Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lord of the Kindle

Today I'd like to share another project I made as a Christmas gift for a family member. My husband and I got my Dad a Kindle Touch back in October, and he has still been carrying it around in the box it came in. Clearly, this needed to be rectified. :)

My Dad had loved The Lord of the Rings since before I was born. We went and saw every movie opening day when I was in High School. We've read the books countless times. We both still play a Lord of the Rings based online video game.

So when I saw this pattern for a paper-pieced Gandalf quilt block, I knew I must use it to make my Dad's Kindle cover. I didn't use any particular pattern for the case itself, but followed pretty standard procedure for making a slim carrying case.

Of course I ran out of time to photograph it before Christmas, so both these pictures and those from my last post are curtesy of my parents. :)

Gandalf Kindle Cover

I used fusible fleece for the batting (that stuff is great for bags!) and did some simple straight line quilting on the front, with a velcro enclosure.

Gandalf Kindle Cover

<3 Kelsey


  1. Perfect Gift! Remember well those late night opening movie nights you shared together. Special memories your Dad will always savor.


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