Sunday, January 15, 2012

4x5 Bee Blocks, Q4 2011

I signed up for the fourth quarter of the 4x5 Modern Quilt Bee. For this bee, we get to pick our colors, and each person makes a block for each other person in their selected colors. So you make 5 blocks in all different colors, and get back 5 different blocks in your own colors. I made my blocks using this tutorial from Quilt Dad. You may remember I already posted my first block for the bee back in November. Here are the other blocks I've completed since then:

4x5 Bee, Hive 9, Q4 2011

4x5 Bee, Hive 9, Q4 2011

4x5 Bee, Hive 9, Q4 2011

4x5 Bee, Hive 9, Q4 2011 

 And here are all five together:

  4x5 Bee, Hive 9, Q4 2011 

These blocks were super fun to make, and I hope the girls like the blocks I made for them. :)

<3 Kelsey

PS. This meets my goal I set out for the One Thing, One Week Challenge!

Linking up to: Sew Modern Monday


  1. I like the bright colors; the blocks look great!

  2. Very nice. I think my favorite has to be the last one.

  3. That block design is so neat. I love it!

  4. Love the colours! They look a bit like houses, so cool!

  5. Oh what fun! I love the different patterns and colors, especially the purple. I like how it makes a little arrow on the left side of the block :-)

  6. I absolutely love these blocks and would love to get into a virtual quilting bee like this one!! These are some lucky ladies! So pretty...

  7. I'm glad you like them. :) I think that signups just closed for Q1, but the 4x5 bee does signups quarterly. If you're interested in participating, you should head over to their Flickr group and join and wait for the next signup date! :)


  8. The color combinations are beautiful! Fun way to share your creativity.


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