Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pillow Talk Swap 6

Here is my pillow for Pillow Talk Swap 6. I don't want to give away too many details about my partner since it is still a surprise for him/her, but suffice it to say, I'm pretty sure they like Parisville, so the whole design was based on how to feature that line.

Here was my original design as I first brainstormed:

PTS 6 Option A

But as I was sewing, I felt like this was getting too busy. Plus, I was running out of fabric. :P So I presented two alternatives to the group to see what people liked more:

PTS 6 Comparison

I felt like I liked the way the left side looked more, but then it lost the chevron effect it had in the original and began to look more like log cabin quarters. I also thought the solids on the right might give the eye a place to rest, though I think that they weren't big enough to really have the effect I was picturing in my mind. Turns out the internet was divided, so I just went with the one that I felt was most aesthetically pleasing.

So, without further ado, here is my first pillow for PTS. Please pardon the fact I didn't have a pillow form and have just shoved a regular bed pillow inside folded in half. 

Pillow Talk Swap 6 - Parisville

I kept the quilting light with a little hand quilting around the cameo with perle cotton. There was already a lot going on without adding to it.

Major accomplishment this project: my first Y seams! I had never had to do these before. Going slow and precise seemed to be the biggest help in getting these right.

I sure do hope my partner likes it. Off to the post office!

<3 Kelsey


  1. She is going to love it!


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