Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pillow Progress

It's time for round 7 of the Pillow Talk Swap, and since I will be moving next month, I wanted to get a jump start and not procrastinate on this one. I was inspired by this quilt by Red Pepper Quilts. It is just so colorful and modern, I couldn't resist. :)

Fabric Selection, Pillow Talk Swap 7

I pulled these fabrics mostly from my stash, with the exception of the two black and white prints in the bottom right . I had to buy those two special - apparently I rarely sew with black.

I shrank the original block design down to 5" blocks, and my final pillow will be 3 x 3 blocks, with 1" sashing in between.

Blocks, Pillow Talk Swap 7

With the first four blocks done, the feel of the pillow is finally starting to come through. Hopefully my partner likes where I am heading!

<3 Kelsey

 PS. Finishing these blocks was my goal for the One Thing, One Week Challenge over at Amy's Creative Side, but I didn't manage to finish them all since I got sick on Thursday. But I am still pleased with my progress, even if it wasn't as much as I hoped.


  1. They are beautiful! Great color combinations!

  2. Love you color combos!

  3. I love your blocks! The colour combo is perfect.

  4. I keep coming back to these, I just love them :)

  5. Love your blocks. I am also in the PTS7 and chose this same pattern. I just saw yours today. So funny. I shrunk the blocks down to a 5 inch finished size also. It ended up being so many tiny pieces! But I think it turned out cute. You can see a little bit of mine here:

  6. شركة تخزين اثاث بالرياض توفر اقوى الامكانيات والمستودعات التى تساعد فى الحفاظ على الاثاث

    تقوم شركتنا ايضا بشراء جميع الاثاث المستعمل فهى افضل شركة شراء اثاث مستعمل بالرياض

    شركة نقل عفش بينبع

    شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة


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